Language and intercultural communication

Maricheva Snezhana
Omsk Law Academy


Nowadays intercultural communication is an essential part of our lives. International processes promote the development of relations among representatives of different countries, cultures, people and communities and so on. The language helps in the process of communication to find contact, general solution, have a conversation and much more. Language is an incredible thing. We can imagine communication without the language. Language is unusual cultural tool because though it the human personality is formed, his mentality, ideology, attitude to people. Culture also reflects not only the real world where people live but his national character, customs, traditions, system of norms and values, as well as the picture of the whole world. We cannot convey the features of culture, traditions and customs without the language.  It is incredibly, one thing in the world but performs so many functions, gives so many opportunities to each of us. Language helps to identify objects of the world, their classification and ordering information about it. Also, it helps to assess the objects or our world properly, phenomena and their relationship, making an easy adaptation for a person in unusual living conditions. For example, when a person go through  stages of « cultural shock».  But language cannot exist without cultures; society as a culture cannot exist without language because culture at each stage of its development is symbolically formed, finds its expression in different spheres but firstly in language.  Language is the base of communication. Communication among people not randomly but systematically . In communication people realize social relations which impose restrictions on the actual behavior and organize it systematically. In the modern world we can communicate with representatives of the different linguistic cultures, transmit and receive information , share experiences and achievements among people, group of people, nations and so on. In the present world no cultures exists in isolation because all of them are intertwined, have  similarities. This is a result of the historical interaction of people. The picture of the world of the native speaker is not just reflect on the language bur it also forms the language and the native speaker, defines the features of his speech. That is why without knowledge of the target language impossible to learn language as a means of communication.  Languages and cultures have always been inextricably linked because we cannot understand culture without a language. Using languages we get accessed to understand customs, traditions and people’s behavior in relation to norms and  rules of certain culture to which people belong themselves. We explore the world  with language’s help because a person who is a native speaker  is a source of information storage, transfers of information and about the world. Everyone has his own understanding of the world that is why we transmit it to others in different and unique way through the prism of his gaze and his inner world. Like E. Hall said : «Culture by itself is communication, communication by itself is culture». Language is a part of culture bat culture is also a part of  language. Culture reflects not only a real world where person live but and his picture of the world, his mentality.  Culture is not only a collection of knowledge about something but also the objectification  of the relevant components and elements of culture. Culture is a manage concept of the theory of intercultural communication. Language and culture are forms of the consciousness reflecting the mentality and mind of person. There is a dialog  between language and culture . The subject of speech and the recipient are always subjects of culture. We can identify culture as what a given society does and thinks. Language is also how people think.  The relations of languages  and cultures, needed of their join study are no doubt. It is strange but it is fact that many people do not recognize themselves  as a product of  his culture even in that not often cases when they understand that behavior of  representatives of different  cultures determined by their culture.  Only by going outside of your own culture, that is faced with a different worldview, attitude to others and so on, we can understand a specific our public consciousness, we can «see » differences or conflict between cultures. All the deep and subtleties  of the problems of cross-language and cross-cultural communication become especially evident and sometimes and just conscious, when comparing foreign languages with a native language and foreign culture with their native, familiar culture. We shouldn’t forget that culture has influence on communication through social stratification of society and the creation of a complex system of group and interpersonal relationships. At the communicative level certification membership of the society in the presence of different languages, their regional variants, dialects, which can lead to functional and cultural misunderstanding. The language barrier is the most obvious obstacle to intercultural understanding. However, the analysis shows that even within one ethnic group and one culture a deep gap can separate representatives of different social groups. At the same time sometimes representatives of the same social group from different cultures with common professional interests, values, level of intellectual and cultural development, it is easy to understand each other. All things considered, language, communication, culture are interrelated concepts, without our life is unthinkable, especially in the modern world, it happens due to globalization, integration of countries, and consequently, ethnic groups and cultures as well. We must understand the peculiarities of foreign culture, their language, so that intercultural communication is successful.

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